
営業開発・EU ・スイス

Coaching, marketing and sales

パーフェクトスポンサー - ソーシャルブランディング Perfect sponsoring - Social Branding

パーフェクトスポンサー - ソーシャルブランディング
Perfect sponsoring - Social Branding
Perfektes Sponsoring - Soziales Branding
Sponsoring parfait - Branding sociale

Picstars turns social media photos and videos into a marketing goldmine:

Picstars developed a unique technology that makes it possible for brands to be present, with their logos and advertising campaigns, on the personal social media photos and videos of their ambassadors, i.e. event visitors or employees.

Opens new doors to companies world-wide:

+ brands not only manage the content of the photos or videos
+ overview of every single interaction
+ its reach and its cost
+ live in real time
+ ambassadors, role models etc. can be compensated for the achieved reach

Picstars AG/Ltd., a well-established Software/IT Solution company, founded in spring 2014 and based in Zurich, Switzerland.

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サービス our service: Implementing your ideas for the future, fascinates us!

+ Business development
+ Swissness
+ Do business in Europe

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